Surprisingly, I enjoyed watching the film Moon. I had an idea of what I believed the film would be like- this idea consisted of a monotonous, sci-fi story line, however I was proved wrong. As well as the basic story line of Sam Rockwell living on the moon, there was in depth ideas which were occasionally quite difficult to understand, but once these were made sense of, watching the film became easier to watch and there was even some emotional scenes.
Without watching the film, I would have said Moon is most probably just a one quadrant film- this would be men aged 25 and over. However I was proved wrong because I believe maybe a few people, that being younger than 25 and both males and females. I think the males over 25 will appreciate the film because there was a reference to the 1968 film 2001: A Space Odyssey. This is when Gerty tells Sam "I can't let you do that", which occurs in 2001: A Space Odyssey when Hal says "I'm sorry Dave, I'm afraid I can't do that". There is also similarities with the fact that both films use a robot; although Gerty is different because it doesn't try to kill Sam.
Using Sam Rockwell will also appeal to the sci-fi males because his most famous role was Zaphod Beeblebrox in The Hitch Hickers Guide To The Galaxy.Men who are into their sci-fi films will then instantly recognise him and feel comfortable with what they are watching.
I think what attracts the younger audience is the idea of cloning. This is because cloning is quite a unique idea, asd well as the idea of death followed after it. Young people tend to be more open minded than elders, so I think they can believe the idea that the cloning idea that is happening could one day may be possible- so it intrigues them.
Meg try and add a paragraph where you consider whether the film made so little money because it wasn't a good film or whether any potential success it might have is down to the stars a director can attract and the advertising budget available.